Moms, we appreciate you.
We wanted to tell all of our Thundies wearing moms out there that we think you're doing a kick ass job! And to all the Mothers-to-be, you're going to do great. You are strong and beautiful.
Our underwear is perfect for Women in all stages of their life, maternity especially. For comfort, confidence, and transitional times - we've got you covered.
St Johns Bizarre!
This is our favorite event of the year because it's in our neighborhood. If you've never been, definitely give it a go. This event is annual and brings in thousands of people from all over Portland and the surrounding areas. Tons of local vendors and makers, food, music and a parade!
Upcoming Events
We're so excited to be in Austin for the first time with Renegade Craft. If you live in the area, come by and say "hi"!
Find us in Atlanta the first weekend of June! We're excited to bring Thundies to the South for the first time with Indie Craft Experience.